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If you want to increase sales and take your business, whether it’s small, medium or large, to the next level, email marketing is here to help. If you think that email marketing is just sending emails, welcome to the 21st century where email marketing is a powerful tool for business growth, and those who use it know this well, and now we reveal to you how.

Newspapers and classified ads are long outdated methods of advertising, because people, the customers of your products or services, have become more discerning and now demand a personal approach. They want to feel that they are important and that your offer is meant for them personally. In this digital era in which we currently live, email marketing has stood out as an approach that best and most effectively responds to the demands of modern times and has become a key factor in successful marketing campaigns that result in a more successful business as a whole.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing in Serbia is developing like all other global trends and standards. According to data from 2019, the number of active email users in our country was 3.2 million, and it is expected that in the near future this number will reach as many as 4 million users. These numbers of users vividly show how great the potential of email marketing is in Serbia, but we must note that it is only so if it is used in the right way. The first step is to choose a quality tool for email marketing that has already been proven to deliver results, in our market it is Sales Snap. 

Compared to traditional marketing methods, email marketing is affordable, costs are low, and the increase in profits can be extremely high.

This form of email marketing has proven to be the most effective way of communicating with existing and potential clients. Therefore, it is not surprising that email marketing in Serbia is on the rise, as more and more companies recognize its advantages and its necessity. The reason is simple – email has a high conversion rate, which means that a high percentage of email recipients take a certain action, be it purchase, registration or something else.

According to research by the “Smart Insights” agency, email marketing has the highest return on investment of all digital channels.

How email marketing works?

One of the most important factors of email marketing is building a quality mailing list. It is a set of addresses of people, your potential customers, who have agreed to receive your emails and who are interested in what you have to offer them. To get people to leave their information and become part of your list, you need to give them something in return. Benefits, discounts and prize games are just some of the opportunities you can use. In addition, it is important that you comply with all GDPR regulations and allow subscribers to easily unsubscribe should they wish to do so.                                                                                                                                                                      Your next step is to create quality content for your emails. That content should be useful, interesting and fit the purpose of your email, whether it’s to inform, educate, entertain or sell. The content must be short, clear, interesting to read and accompanied by visual elements that improve the experience of consuming your email. Most importantly, your email should contain a quality call to action (Call To Action) that will encourage your readers to take the next steps, the ones you want.

Advantages of email marketing

Email marketing provides numerous benefits:

  1. Reach and conversion – emails arrive directly in the user’s inbox, therefore open rate is high. This allows for a better conversion rate than other digital channels.
  2. Personalization – companies can use data about their customers to find out what they like and tailor their offer to them.
  3. Profitability – compared to traditional marketing methods, email marketing is affordable, costs are low, and the increase in profits can be extremely high.
  4. Automation – with marketing automation tools, you can send automatic responses, welcome newsletters or abandoned card emails, which saves time and increases efficiency.
  5. Increase of brand awareness and loyalty – regular emails through quality content and personal communication help users recognize you more easily, build trust and connect with you, which increases the likelihood that they will return and consume your products again.
  6. Monitoring of results – companies can monitor open rates, clicks, conversions and other parameters.
  7. Notifications and Actions – the perfect way to inform customers about promotions, promotions or new products and services.

If you want to take advantage of all these benefits of email marketing, it is best to use the highest quality tools. Sales Snap tool for marketing automation is the only example of a comprehensive tool with us, because it has everything you need to achieve the best results of email marketing in Serbia.

Email marketing has become an indispensable tool for companies all over the world, but also in Serbia, in other words, email marketing has become the main axis in the world of digital marketing. If you don’t want to run after the competition, start working on conquering the market with email marketing right now. The first step is a quality tool that includes all of the above, which leads you directly to your new customers and increased sales. The Sale Snap automation tool is here to make every step of the way to a more successful business, which directly translates to higher profits, easier. Join the successful companies that have already found a place on the Sale Snap mailing list.
