
Fashion E Commerce Case Study

All you need is SalesSnap


  • The client had an existing data base of 48 202 leads, mostly containing only email address.
  • The primary goal was to increase the number of contacts in the database as well as to update the existing ones with more detailed info. The secondary goal was to increase sales and enable further engagement of new leads.


To reach the primary goal, we have conducted a Lead magnet campaign in the form of the Beauty products knowledge quiz. The activation lasted for 4 weeks, and was promoted on Facebook and Instagram networks. 

Beside entering basic details in LP1 form (name, surname, email, phone number) the participants were asked 2 segmentation questions, in order to be able to adjust following email communication depending on their answers. 

In order to address goal number two, during the LMC through an automated campaign set up in our Sales Snap tool, emails containing different communication were sent to male and female segments, reaching an average open rate of 35% and generating an instant increase in sales of 2,5%.


Existing DB

Client’s existing leads data base

New leads
Number of new leads gathered through LMC
0 %
New leads in total

Cost per lead

Open rate
0 %

Sent/Read emails

0 %
Instant increase in sales


We are glad we came across this great tool.

It helped us to gather all our leads in one place and manage them easily. Furthermore, we are finally able to segment our leads properly, to better understand their behavior on our website as well as their needs, which subsequently led to more personalized communication and increase in sales.

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