
Addiko Bank
case study

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Addiko Bank- Campaign

For the needs of Addiko Bank, an activation was created with the aim of creating leads and converting them into bank clients. The products we promoted were cash loans and refinancing loans.


The campaign contained several components:

  • Facebook and Google ads
  • Activation in the form of a TV series knowledge quiz, which was used to create a databaseand to segment visitors
  • Automated sending of drip mails to users from the Sales Snap tool, in accordance with thesegmentation performed on the quiz mini-website
  • A mini-website where qualified leads can calculate all terms of the loan and schedule a callwith the contact center and a time that suits them to meet with an advisor at the bank’sbranch
  • Sending nurturing emails after the campaign has ended
addiko case study lead generation


A/B testing of several types of banners was done right from the very beginningof the activation, in order to determine which banners performed the best.

Several times during the campaign, in agreement with the client, correctionswere made in the form of removing banners that do not bring good results or cost too much and creating new ones in accordance with what performs well.

In this way, we the campaign perfomed much better and had more conversionsthan if only one set of banners had been released.

The audience for advertising included only the cities with Addiko Bank branchesand their surroundings.

Our Results


Facebook, Instagram and Google Advertisement.

Quiz Participants

The number of people participating in the quiz.


The number of people with regular income.

Hot Leads

Scheduled calls with Addiko Bank call center.


Scheduled visits to the Addiko Bank branches.

Full Service

100% free support fromĀ 
Sales Snap Marketing And IT Team

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